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woke up this morning thinking about all the things i used to talk to god about 

when i was worried, overwhelmed, creating scenarios in my head 

tucked my head down, spoke my feelings out loud

now i just wonder if i was talking to myself, and how do i cope with these thoughts now?

sometimes i feel like my life is going in reverse mentally 


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january 7th, 2022  know i’m dead, know i’m done, take the bullets out of the gun, i’ve been dead, i’ve been done,  long before it was known, i was dead, i was done, put the bullets in my own skull and sent my spirit to the sun. 


life is easier when no one is around, no one to answer to and no one to let down,  find peace within the solace and peace within myself,  i don’t need your approval or your help  why was i made to live and be so fragile in this world?